Sat., Oct. 22, 2016
Starting at 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Cleveland, Ohio
Corporate College East
Do you have an area of insight or knowledge that you would like to share with the community? Submit your topic below. Because ProductCamp is user-driven, participants determine the camp’s schedule with their votes. If you don’t already have a topic in mind, or if you have other questions, you’ll find a full list of possible topic categories here, and other FAQs below
How long should my talk be?
Including discussion, you'll have 45 minutes.
Am I guaranteed a speaking slot?
No; the idea behind ProductCamp is to create content by the people, for the people. Session proposals will be viewable on the website before the event and will be voted on by those in attendance the morning of the event to create a uniquely useful camp experience.
How many people will be in my audience?
We won’t really know until the day of ProductCamp, but we estimate 40-50 in each session topic.
Who do I contact if I have more questions about speaking at ProductCamp NEO?
Contact speaker@productcampneo.org if you have additional questions or need help proposing an idea.
Creating an event by product people for product people wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of organizations sponsoring ProductCamp through financial or in-kind contributions. Click the Register link if you are interested in being a sponsor and making ProductCamp NEO happen, or click the Contact link if you want more information.